And indeed, he was restoring my soul. He was giving me comfort in knowing that His will is going to occur in DUE season, and that he will bring forth all good things in good measure AT their appointed time.
Today was our first day of class, and with the jet lag kicking my tail, royally, I was having a bit of a problem staying awake. But the lectures are on some of my favorite issues, so eventually I got into it. Such as why did we remove the gold standard, is international trade good for societies, what are the effects of international trade on the American manufacturing industry, what do we do with the American auto worker now that the industry has moved to China??
So I enjoyed myself as soon as I began to actively participate.
After class, my friend Maddie ( Mahdieh) went to grab lunch at the tea cafe next door called Stairway to Love. We both ordered the Earl Grey Milk Tea, which was my favorite at a tea shop back home, but taste soooo much better here.
I order a bowl of rice, but when it arrived it had pieces of ham cut up in it, and you know Reese does NOT do the swine! But I didn't know how to tell the waittress that, and the more I tried to tell her in English, the more she responded in Chinese!
We were getting nowhere, fast!
Maddie drew a picture of a pig, and i pointed to the meat....the waittress shook her head yes, and I shook my head no! She took it back, and I order rice w/mushroom and chicken.....for the second day in a row. But it was delicious in fact it taste just like American Chinese food. And for $3 I couldn't complain one way or the other.
But as we all know, a good healthy portion of Chinese food gives me the "itis"(puts black people to sleep). So took a nap on my extra firm Chinese mattress.
After my nap, our class met in the lobby so we could head to the opening banquet. I was excited because I hadn't seen Lisa all day, and needed to get my 5 words for the day. But to my disappointment, she did not come. I guess she had class, which was really unfortunate, because I needed someone to guide me through the dishes that had been prepared so I didn't have the same mixup from earlier.
However, God always provides a way ....may I introduce to you Pearl
Pearl helped me figure out what was edible and what wasn't by tasting it in the buffet line for me. She's a graduate of the BFSU program and goes to NYU, but right now she's back in Beijing to help her ailing father and mother. She's a very sweet person with a very nice shoe game, and her purse was fabulous! Surprisingly, she told me it was all fake... :)
But I'm not one to sqaubble, so she told me she would take me to the Silk Market tomorrow to get a pair of my about true friends!!!!!!
In fact, a bunch of us are going, and I CAN'T WAIT!
Stay tuned for the Special Edition of the Chinese Shopping Network with Reese!
If you want something please post a request and a size!
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