Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Madrid Day 1

Day 1 Has been especially rough for me, after running all over Paris. In fact, my legs are cramping, and I'm walking with a limp. I am jet lagged as all get out. And if I sit still for longer than five minutes I am knocked out! Be it in class or out on the town.

Simone and I took the bus into Madrid, and went shopping at Principe Pio mall and had lunch. What did I have for lunch....A NAP!

Simone thought my exhaustion was comical, and decided to take a picture of me while I slept peacefully at lunch. SOME FRIEND!

But I have to admit, its pretty funny.


  1. Marsher
    you were lookin cute and in that pink! Girl u are lookin HOt--- has anyone ever told you that you are lookin like you mom. that is right you get it from your moma.

    Merlin Maltrice

  2. International Reese
    Gurl what size is that white 1 peace swimmin suite. I bet you $100 that it a 12/14 -- i can fit that white peace suite--- i know all my cuvres can get into that!

  3. Thanks mom! And by the way, you spelled my name wrong. :-)

    The white 1 pieces comes in many sizes, check out Victoria Secret at Somerset and try one on.

  4. LOL how is your mom gonna spell your name wrong. Ha Ha funny. I love you guys.. Okay I'm off.. Up Up and away...

    Love the Gayle to your Oprah. LOL!!!
